I am walking as part of the not so scary GRACE-ful Halloween parade. image

I am walking as part of the not so scary GRACE-ful Halloween parade.

Can you help us with our community effort to raise money for programs and services for The GRACE Foundation?

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$275 towards $10,000

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Can you support me for the Not So Scary GRACE-ful Halloween Parade/Walk

On Saturday, October 30, I will be "Boo" tiful in my costume as I walk for The GRACE Foundation. The event is on the grounds of The GRACE Foundation where there will be a parade of ghoulish characters walking for the cause (Autism Spectrum Disorder). At various spots, there will be treats from our truck or treat sponsors. Also at event, the ghosts and goblins can enjoy bouncy rides, food trucks, vendor tables and various raffles. It will be a spook-tacular day filled with fun and games while raising money for The GRACE Foundation. Won't you sponsor me as I walk this "ghoulish" path? Thank you so much for supporting The GRACE Foundation.

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